Social Media Workshops and Training Days

I regularly run workshops and training days, often with Robyn Nixon of The Business Nest or on my own.

These are marketing courses for small businesses. Face-to-face courses run in the Bracknell, Reading and Berkshire area, I also run them online.

Sign up for Emails

  • All of my courses and special offers are always launched exclusively to my email database first.
  • Sign up to be the first to be able to buy tickets and special offers

latest workshops and training days

All of the details of the latest upcoming workshops and training days will be listed here.

Effective Email Marketing Workshop

  • Monday 24th February
  • 9.45-11.45am at Jennetts Park Community Centre
  • We’re bringing you a brand new workshop to help you build your email list and get it converting into sales
  • How to plan regular and effective email newsletters
  • Create a lead magnet to build your list of ideal customers
  • The importance of a welcome programme and how to create one
  • Practical tips you can go away and implement
  • Tickets are Just £40 (£35 early bird ends 16th Jan)
Book Tickets

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