Reels – Social Media Workshop


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Reels Social Media Training – with Laura and Robyn

A face-to-face social media training workshop in Berkshire showing you how to make reels for your business run by Marketing Mentor and Social Media Expert Laura Summers, and Entrepreneur and Small Business Mentor Robyn Nixon. This is the 3rd time we are running this popular workshop, but this time we’re adding a Christmassy twist. we are including new content which means it will still be great for previous attendees. 

When? Tuesday 21st November 7.00-9.00 pm

Where? Robyn’s Nest, Moss End Garden Centre, Maidenhead Road, Warfield RG42 6EJ (free parking available)

What’s Included in the Course?

This is a 2-hour social media marketing course where we are going to encourage you to make reels live with us. This time around though we’re going to be teaching you to make simple transitions. Want to know how to sit down or click your fingers and Christmas magically appears around you, we’re going to show you how. 

On top of that we’re going to give you 3 fun Christmas reels to takeaway and make at home and talk about how to make your reels more engaging. 

 Come dressed to feel confident in front of the camera and bring a santa hat! 

You will need to bring your phone and charger for the course. There will also be tea and coffee provided and the infamous Robyn’s Nest cakes available to fuel our creativity.

Who’s It For?

The training is aimed at small business owners who want to upscale their social media marketing. You want someone to hold your hand, to encourage you to get to where you want to be. You want to learn how to make simple transitions and your social media more engaging. 

Takeaways You Will Take Home From the Course:

  • Become more confident making reels
  • Hands-on training on how to make reels that work
  • An understanding of how you can use reels to showcase your business
  • Learn how to make simple transitions

About Robyn and Laura

Laura Summers-Bates

Marketing Mentor, Social Media Expert and Pro-Blogger

Laura has worked for over 20+ years working in marketing. She has worked both brand and agency side working with well-known brands to improve their online marketing. She has been a professional blogger and content creator for 8+ years. Throughout her career, she has worked with some amazing large household names both in marketing and as a blogger. Such as Boots, Aldi, Yours Clothing, Principles, Mint Velvet, Cotton Traders, Very, The Oracle, The Lexicon and Natwest. Laura works with small businesses to improve their marketing, helping them with training, workshops and strategy. She is passionate about empowering and encouraging people to become their best selves. To be brave and step outside of their comfort zones, because that is where the good stuff happens. She loves nothing more than to see people grow and their business with it. Connect with her on Instagram: @laura_summers

Robyn Nixon

Entrepreneur, Small Business Mentor

Robyn is the owner and founder of the popular Robyn’s Nest cafes in Warfield and Shinfield. She is also a small business mentor, something she is madly passionate about, especially when it comes to inspiring the younger generation. Turning a passion into profit, developing an idea into a business model or tackling how to scale are all challenges she’s overcome, and believes you can too. She serves up a shot of inspiration alongside every cappuccino. Fancy one with yours? Connect with her on Instagram: @thebusinessnest @robynsnestcafes

Reviews for Our Previous Workshops

‘Brilliant training. Laura and Robyn were great hosts and learned so much about Reels. It was very informative and they helped a lot. I would recommend them to anyone who would like to know more and how to do reels for the business. You will leave feeling a little more confident and wanting to give it a go.’ – Ellie Robertson

‘My business relies heavily on social media. Social media marketing has been incredibly important to the business’s growth and success for us at Smart Choice Tutors. I’ve been following both Laura and Robyn for a long time. I really identified with their busy lives and intentions to enjoy being a businesswoman whilst juggling other commitments. They are both huge role models for me, of what women and mothers in business can do- anything! I attended their reels training in March, and have already posted my own reel. It was such helpful training, where the session was really practical and based on exactly what the audience wanted to be taught. It was engaging at all times and I felt completely inspired and empowered! It is so kind of Laura and Robyn to share their tips and tricks with us, they have worked for years and years to build a strong brand image and reputation and their experience is clear. Thank you for the session, I can’t wait for the next one and to learn more from such lovely, supportive ladies.’ – Emily. Lead Tutor, Founder and Director. Smart Choice Tutors

Thank you so much for a wonderful evening. I loved your energy and enthusiasm and the you can do it message. The reels training content was fab and I now have new tips and tricks to use to make my reels fabulous. I can’t wait for your next marketing workshop. – Rebecca Hogan, Life Fulfillment Coach

The social media evening by Laura and Robyn on reels was interactive, informative and most importantly fun. I left the session with plenty of practical tips as well as lots of ideas and advice. They clearly know what they are talking about and I am looking forward to their next session. – Michelle Brown, The Baby Sleep Experts

1 review for Reels – Social Media Workshop

  1. Nina Bailey

    I attended the Reels – Social media workshop. It was a relaxed and friendly session with some really great tips on how to make Reels. Laura and Robyn really are experts in this field. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to up their reel game.

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